Mortality Quotes

Text Quotes
When you witness the end of a life up close day by day, you begin to understand time and mortality in profound ways. You see time’s relativity, death’s necessity. (Mortality Quotes)
I’m a leukemia survivor, and I recall during my darkest days in the hospital when my friends would come to see me, especially the male friends - they had certain mortality issues with their visit. (Mortality Quotes)
Time does not really exist as we know it; rather it’s a transfiguration of a concept in which mortality, mutability, is conditioned. (Mortality Quotes)
Your love for Jesus Christ and your discipleship in His cause must be the consuming preoccupation and passion of your mortality. (Mortality Quotes)
I lost a dear friend of mine from a rugby injury at 26. We don’t usually deal with mortality at that early age and it’s given me an appreciation of time, of trying to fit everything in. (Mortality Quotes)
Dedicated missionary service returns a dividend of eternal joy which extends throughout mortality and into eternity. (Mortality Quotes)
Tribulations often enrich, refine, and guide us to a deeper understanding of the purpose of our existence here in mortality and of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. (Mortality Quotes)
I think mortality makes you live a fuller existence. When I was a kid I was scared of death, and maybe that’s what made me desperate to get the most out of life. (Mortality Quotes)
In the school of mortality, we experience tenderness, love, kindness, happiness, sorrow, disappointment, pain, and even the challenges of physical limitations in ways that prepare us for eternity. (Mortality Quotes)
The sweetest feeling in mortality is to realize that God, our Heavenly Father, knows each one of us and generously permits us to see and to share His divine power to save. (Mortality Quotes)
For millions of girls around the world, motherhood comes too early. Those who bear children as adolescents suffer higher maternal mortality and morbidity rates, and their children are more likely to die in infancy. (Mortality Quotes)
In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, venereal disease, teen pregnancy, and abortion. (Mortality Quotes)
The birth of the Savior into mortality is an event of immeasurable significance that occurred almost 2,000 years ago. In much of the world, calendar years are numbered forward and backward from the entire time of His birth. (Mortality Quotes)
For some reason focusing on destruction and mortality is more poetically exciting to me than hope and love. (Mortality Quotes)
Many of the lessons we are to learn in mortality can only be received through the things we experience and sometimes suffer. And God expects and trusts us to face temporary mortal adversity with His help so we can learn what we need to learn and ultimately become what we are to become in eternity. (Mortality Quotes)
Bomb Disposal Is a face off with your own mortality. Don’t let the fear get to you. When you give in to the fear, the Darkness Comes. (Mortality Quotes)
Mortality applies to every aspect of life. The fear of death is the driving fear of life. (Mortality Quotes)
I have an obsession with mortality. I saw a friend die when I was 18, and I can’t get over it. (Mortality Quotes)
Don’t fear your mortality, because it is this very mortality that gives meaning and depth and poignancy to all the days that will be granted to you. (Mortality Quotes)
The key thing in management is goal setting. In medicine, goal-based approach is particularly important. Management should be aimed at minimizing health damage and, with a high degree of correlation, at reducing mortality (Mortality Quotes)
There are no atheists in foxholes, they say, and I was a foxhole atheist for a long time. But after going through a midlife crisis and having many things change very quickly, it made me realize my mortality. And when you start to think about death, you start to think about what’s after it. And then you start hoping there is a God. (Mortality Quotes)
The similarity between Van Gogh, Haiku poetry, and good photography is the concern for mortality. That things are very fleeting, that there are people who are more sensitive to death than others. The threat of time is of great concern to them. And the camera is a very appropriate instrument for many. (Mortality Quotes)
Mortality is the great rescuer, it finally takes you out of everything, and that makes life good.Read Carl Jung. It makes life richer because this is it; none of us know where we go and this is the fun of it. (Mortality Quotes)
And we went through AIDS... which was as good a course in mortality as anyone is likely to get, short of war. (Mortality Quotes)
Your greatest fear is death and your deepest craving is survival. You want Forever, you desire Eternity. In your deluded belief that you are this ‘mind’ or ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’, you find the escape clause in your contract with mortality. Perhaps as ‘mind’ you can wing free of the body when it dies, hmm? (Mortality Quotes)
A Latter-day Saint woman who follows Christ’s example in her daily living begins to fulfill the plan of our Heavenly Father for her. By so doing, she can be a powerful influence for good in today’s world and meet the challenges of mortality. I have known such women, and they have been a guiding light to me. (Mortality Quotes)
Maternal mortality health is a very sensitive indicator. All you need to look at is a country’s maternal mortality rate. That is a surrogate for whether the country’s health system is functioning. If it works for women, I’m sure it will work for men. (Mortality Quotes)